Participatory Processes in the constitution of
Identity, Memory, and Belonging

Heritage is something we all make together
Our Purpose

If we think of Heritage as a collective performance taking place in real or virtual contexts, we think of an endless transactional turmoil where values are continuously assessed for ourselves and others.

Our Values

Heritage is not a set of dead things. Heritage can be understood as a set of things invested with either financial, emotional or symbolic values which are important to those who inherit them.

Our Mission

We started a series of international partnerships that gave rise to a cluster of European projects which features actions under the Creative Europe, Horizon 2020, Erasmus IP and Europe for Citizens programmes.

Le “Tout-Monde”, c’est le monde actuel tel qu’il est dans sa diversité et dans son chaos. Pour moi, le chaos n’est pas seulement le désordre, mais c’est aussi l’impossibilité
de prévoir et de régir le monde. La relation signifie un rapport de transversalité et non pas de causes à effets.- Édouard Glissant


Root-telling and the (re)construction of a collective memory

Focus by Stefano Jacoviello (University of Siena \ PanSpeech) during the International Communication Summit Europe 2014

Invited speakers: Spike Lee, Michael Dobbs, Simona Panseri from Google, Yasser Aref, Stephen Clark, Stefano Jacoviello, Barbara Serra, Franco Pomilio.

ICS Europe 2014             ICS Magazine 4 – 2014            ICT Europe 2014 on YouTube

PanSpeech – Making bottom up knowledge, together

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Network landscape

Gran Sasso Laga ICH

Gran Sasso Laga ICH è un progetto volto alla scopertavalorizzazione e fruizione condivisa del patrimonio immateriale dell’area del Gran Sasso e dei Monti della Laga.



Sismografie del Presente

Un workshop dedicato all’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie per promuovere una gestione partecipata e trasparente delle prime fasi dell’emergenza, con l’obiettivo di riflettere sul loro utilizzo anche in ottica preventiva.




Tells stories through pictures of the journey that took place from 2010-11, in which artists from diverse backgrounds performed together through the negotiation of practices, artistic languages, themes, and forms of expression. Romania, France, Hungary, Poland, and Italy were involved in the first Creole Performance Cycle.

Daniela Neri’s photography witnessed this process, and while on the one hand it documents it, on the other it takes part in the process in a straightforward manner. An attentive viewer can find a way to relive the long journey and recognise each milestone as they go.

Read the Book

siena città aperta

Siena Città Aperta

Mostre ed esposizioni temporanee, performance, cinema, tavole rotonde, convegni, concerti, teatro: la cultura come strumento di riabilitazione e di integrazione.



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This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission



PanSpeech srl – Siena
Research Company
VAT No. IT01387700527
+39 347 1023843


Department of History
and Cultural Heritage
University of Siena
+39 0577 232545

Department of Social, Political
and Cognitive Sciences
University of Siena
+39 0577 234752
